The mission of Biddeford Mills Museum is to preserve the rich heritage of the mills in honor of all who worked here; and to strengthen the community’s knowledge of mill history to reinforce a broader sense of community.
We accomplish our mission through offering educational programs, tours and events. We have been working since the mills closed in 2009 to build a collection that can be utilized in a number of ways:
* to create exhibits that will educate the community and highlight mill history;
* as a research collection to assist the public in locating information on the mill’s buildings, history and employees;
* and to ensure the story of Biddeford’s economic and industrial revolution remains relevant and accessible to diverse audiences.
Selected Biddeford Mills Museum images:
Pepperell Mill #3 brick tunnel, Biddeford, 2015
Pepperell Mills finishing room, Biddeford, ca. 1925
Pepperell Mill canal, Biddeford, 2017
Pepperell's vacant Mill #2, Biddeford, 2015
Christmas party at Central Theater, Biddeford, ca. 1948
Union candlepin bowling women's league, Biddeford, ca. 1955
Pepperell Mills lower lagoon, Biddeford, 2014
Laconia Picker House, Biddeford, 2015
Saco-Lowell apprentice banquet, Biddeford, 1938